Illustrating from 1991 until today for a museum that has as a goal to spread science and technology as mNACTEC, leads inexorably to specialize yourself at a technologic and scientific level, always trying to illustrate it is as understandable as possible to the general public without losing the essence of its contents, trying to explain the technologic and scientific complexity in a approachable way.
I could move all this knowledge to the education field through Technology textbooks from ESO (Mandatory Education System in Spain), by Editorial TEXT (La Galera).
And also to Encilopèdia Catalana and educational materials of technology from Museu d’Història de Catalunya.
Àreu sawmill. Distribution mechanisms. Hydropower.
Grind section. From wheat to flour.
Flour mill form Castelló d’Empúries
Francis turbine, alternator and dynamo. Colònia Vidal. (estate)
Flour mill in Subirós and sinks.
Besalú. Illustration for the exhibition place.
Ajuntament de Besalú. (City Council)
2nd ESO year. Technology. Text La Galera.